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It's our 20th anniversary and it's been our honor to serve post-9/11 veterans, service members, and their families. Learn more
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"In four short days, Project Odyssey helped me heal some wounds I’d been working on for a decade."

Mental Wellness

"I want to motivate our warriors to recover from their injuries the best they can."

Mike Delancey

"Without Wounded Warrior Project, I would probably still be trying to transition from Sergeant Crutch to Lisa Crutch."

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Philip Krabbe Photo

Philip Krabbe

Philip Krabbe’s happiest memories came from the time he spent in the U.S. Marine Corps. “I loved the Marines.” Philip says. “The best part was the camaraderie and the love we had for one another.”

Read Philip's story.

Sam Hargrove Photo

Sam Hargrove

Sam Hargrove joined the U.S. Air Force in 1996 for the promise of a better life and a secure future. She never thought her job as an admin, working on computers, would put her in harm’s way — but in Iraq, everything was in harm’s way.

Read Sam's story.

Jason Ehrhart Photo

Jason Ehrhart

The events of 9/11 made Jason Ehrhart angry — so angry that he enlisted in the U.S. Army after high school. In September 2005, he was sent to Iraq as an infantry mortarman. Three months later, life for Jason and his family took a devastating turn.

Read Jason's story.

Bill Geiger

Bill Geiger

When Bill Geiger returned to civilian life after two deployments with the United States Army, he was a changed man.

Read Bill's story.

Donna Pratt

Donna Pratt

Donna Pratt didn’t want to be an individual. That’s how she felt though hobbling around on crutches in Fort Stewart, Georgia, separated by thousands of miles from her military family in Iraq.

Read Donna's story.

Family Support Member Christine Schei

When Christine Schei’s son Erik was shot and rendered quadriplegic, she didn’t know how to take care of him. She found the support she needed through WWP, and now she mentors other caregivers.

Meet the Schei family


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